Nobody rents to refugees
When a refugee family finally makes it to the US, often in the most traumatic transition of their lives, they can’t find a home.
With no employment, stable income, social security number, or rental history, 99% of landlords won’t take the risk.
We believe Everyone deserves a home
Refugees are remarkably resilient, resourceful, and hopeful. And they have often suffered more than most of us will in a lifetime.
But they can’t begin their new life until they have a home.
We buy houses and rent them to refugees
Our experienced team includes realtors, property managers, general contractors, resettlement caseworkers, translators, churches, volunteers, and specialized lenders, all dedicated to providing refugees with safe and reliable homes so they can start a new life.
You can
Launch a Home
Our Process
We employ advanced real estate strategies to acquire homes at discounted prices, maximizing the impact of each donated dollar and efficiently serving families.

Family Lifecycle
Families are matched by one of our partner refugee resettlement agencies. The family’s partner agency assists in their transition, typically for 3-6 months.
Once a family is financially self-sufficient, they are welcome to stay as long as they like. However, many choose to move closer to jobs or other community.
Family Lifecycle
Families are matched by one of our partner refugee resettlement agencies. The family’s partner agency assists in their transition, typically for 3-6 months.
Once a family is financially self-sufficient, they are welcome to stay as long as they like. However, many choose to move closer to jobs or other community.

Family Origins
Our families come from all around the world, some fluent in English with college educations, and others with significant support needs. We love and serve all of them.

Ministry Partners
Our homes are 100% financially sustainable after launch. Any surplus is used to fuel transformative initiatives through our amazing impact partners.
Resettlement Partners
Each family is assigned a caseworker from one of our partner resettlement agencies before matching with one of our available homes.

Frequently ASked Questions
Are donations tax deductible?
Yes! Compound Impact is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization, meaning that every gift you make is fully tax deductible. You can give here.
How much are your admin costs?
All of our staff are self-supported, so every single cent you donate goes directly to funding new impact homes. We are passionate about efficiency and effectiveness, so we keep admin costs out of it!
Do you focus on a specific people or cultural group?
We equally accept refugee families from any nation or culture into our homes. While there are specific areas of the city where people from specific cultural backgrounds tend to settle, we do not preferentially choose one family over another based on cultural background.
How long do families stay in each home?
Each refugee family is welcome to stay as long as they want once they are placed. Based on prior experience, families often prefer to stay 1-2 years before moving in order to move closer to their friends, community, or jobs. When a family leaves, a new refugee family will be matched to the home.